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About Echeveria' Minibelle' Variegated
Echeveria' Minibelle' Variegated, also known as Echeveria' Hummel's Mini belle' Variegated, is a rare succulent variety whose stem and foliage color would change when affected by external factors. The emerald green to yellowish-reddish smooth and ovate-shaped leaves bear a reddish margin when exposed to sufficient sunshine or a low-temperature period tipped with acuminate apex, forming the loose rosette, which is prone to grow the cluster. The midline slightly concaves, the leaf margin is warped on both sides, and the dorsal process is slightly keel-like. The inverted bell-shaped tufted spike blossoms appear on the stalks in spring, adding enchantingly attractiveness to this cutie.

How to care for Echeveria' Minibelle' Variegated
Sun/Location: Echeveria' Minibelle' Variegated like most Echeveria succulents, prefers full sun in the morning and light shade sun exposure the rest of the day in spring and autumn. Provide shade with a sheer curtain to keep from the scorching heatwave in summer. Wrap cute baby succulents with horticultural fleece or a hessian blanket to keep frost in harsh winter.

Soil/Pot: Echeveria' Minibelle' Variegated feels happy to thrive in the porous and ventilated potting soil with soft materials such as perlite or pumice, evaporating the moisture smoothly to develop healthy roots. Choose a suitable airflow container to stay away from rot roots and leaves. Repot when needed to upgrade the potting mix to improve the porosity. Brush away the original soil and sparingly discard any infected or overgrown foliage. Go halfway and give your E.' Minibelle' Variegated a nice trim, helping E.' Minibelle' Variegated grow bigger and healthier!

Watering: The soak-and-dry method is generally applied when the upper potting soil is bone dry. The immersive watering method is also recommendable if placed in a ventilated and breathable location. Water more often correspondingly during the growing seasons in spring and autumn while lessening the watering in summer to prevent root rot, bacteria, and fungal diseases and in winter to keep comparatively dry. Clean up the stagnant water at the bottom of the planter tray in time.

Humidity: Keeping the air humidity at 40%-60% is an ideal environment for the growth of succulent plants. Echeveria' Minibelle' Variegated prefers to thrive in a ventilated location near the window.

Propagation: E.‘Minibelle’ Variegated is generally propagated by beheading and cutting. E.‘Minibelle’ Variegated is prone to generate a lot of little side buds, which can be placed in a ventilated place when grown well. The leaf-cutting method is taking the flesh leaf, putting it in the shade to dry the wound, and then placing it on the slightly wet soil. It will slowly grow roots and germinate.

Pest Control: E.‘Minibelle’ Variegated is prone to affect by black mold disease in summer. It is essential to consider antiseptic prophylaxis. Spray the part of the succulent plant with neem oil or any organic horticulture oil, which helps to break the mold effectively.

More information
Primary color: Silvery-green
Secondary color: Reddish
Cold hardiness: Zone 10a-11b(From 30F to 50F)
Product format: Rooted in 2" pot
Suitability: Balcony, Window, Rock Garden, Container, Terrariums
Propagation: Leaf, Cutting, Beheading
Special characteristics: Easy to propagate, Low maintenance, Pet Safe

Echeveria ‘Minibelle’ Variegated

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