About Echeveria 'Malgan'
Echeveria 'Malgan' is a hybrid succulent that resulted from crossing Echeveria Elegans Alba with Echeveria Agavoides Ebony. It has been one of the most popular succulent types since 2019. The plant has thick, oblong leaves with a flat front and a raised arc-shaped back. The tips of the leaves are sharp and short, resembling beauty's eyelashes. The leaves are green or lime green in color and form a small, compact rosette with a thin layer of waxy texture. As the plant thrives, the margin of the leaves turns red, and the whole rosette turns jelly-transparent, making it very beautiful to look at. Echeveria 'Malgan' is likely to form clusters.
There are many varieties of Echeveria Malgan hybrid succulents. Each Malgan hybrid inherits different characteristics from its parents. A high-quality Malgan hybrid should have several distinguishing features, such as a waxy texture, smooth and shiny leaves, jelly-like leaves, tips that resemble eyelashes, white or diamond lines, etc. Because of these characteristics, Echeveria Malgan hybrids are considered expensive succulents, specifically those high-quality Malgans.
How to Care for Echeveria 'Malgan'
Sunlight: As Malgans possess diverse hybrid genes, growing them in outdoor areas where they can receive ample sunlight is highly recommended. However, in sweltering summers, it is advisable to provide shade or move them to an airy place to prevent sunburn or plant rot.
Water: Echeveria Malgans are a type of succulent with shorter stems than other Echeveria varieties. Watering this plant from the bottom is better than pouring water on top of the soil. This method can help prevent the base leaves from being exposed to excessive moisture, leading to rot—only water E. Malgan when the potting soil is completely dry.
Soil & Planter: Add 50~70% gritty rocks in the soil when planting Echeveria Malgan. This variety of succulents grows slowly and forms clusters easily. Therefore, it is suggested to use a slightly wider shallow planter pot for growing Echeveria Malgan. Clay pots or maifanitum stone-made planters are better choices.
Temperature: Echeveria Malgan thrives in warm and dry environments with temperatures ranging from 50-77℉. Move the plant indoors before the temperature drops to 41℉ as this variety is not a cold hardy succulent.
Fertilizer: Replant the succulent with fresh organic soil every spring, which can provide the essential nutrients for them to thrive. Moreover, feeding them with slow-release fertilizer two or three times in spring can also meet the need.
Propagation: Leaf propagation and cluster buds are efficient ways to grow more succulents. It is important to take healthy and plump leaves from the mother plant and let the wound callus over before placing them on the soil.
More information
Primary color: green/yellow-green
Secondary color: pink/white/transparent
Cold hardiness: zone 10~zone 12
Product format: 2" pot
Suitability: balcony, outdoor garden, near window
Propagation: leaf, cluster buds
Special characteristics: famous hybrid succulent
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